Hey, I'm Andrew Hewitson from Boy Meets Girl Photography. This months blog entry discusses 'The Headshot' and why you should get them taken by a proffessional, if you yourself are looking to come over as proffessional.
For pro headshot examples and package costs, please visit our website; http://www.boymeetsgirlphoto.biz
I'm not talking about what you yourself look like- (at the end of the day a photo can only do so much!) It is a question of professionalism. Taking a 'myspace' photo and using that to head your resume isn't going to create the most positive impression. Casting directors and potential bosses are looking for slick, contemporary and visually interesting images, and you want to show yourself in a way that will be hard to forget (in a good way).
I surfed the web and found some poor examples of headshots that real people are using for their portfolio. See example one, below!

Before you ask, yes this is real! This is a perfect example of one of the biggest traps you can fall into-getting pictures that revolve around a character or theme. A headshot is meant to show you as a blank canvas.
Model portfolios however work in a slightly different way. While you will still always need a clean head and full-body shot, depending on whether you are looking to book an agent or book a job, some images taken in various styles / settings / make-ups could be beneficial. However there is never any excuse for bringing out the toy guns.

Keep your headshot up to date. There is no use in having a shot from 10 years ago! Photography as an art is constantly moving forward and it is important
for your headshot to have a modern and contemporary look inkeepng with these changes.
Photography aside, your looks will have obviously changed too! Represent who you are now, not who you were five or ten years ago!

Finally on to posing! If the pose that you are doing doesn't feel comfortable or natural, its generally because it isn't! Ask yourself "is this something I would do everyday?" If not, then it will appear awkward through the lens.
In conclusion, it always pays to get someone who knows what they are doing. Below are a couple of examples of headshots that Boy Meets Girl have presented clients for their acting and modelling portfolios. If you are interested in booking a shoot, please get in touch;
W - http://www.boymeetsgirlphoto.biz/
E - boymeetsgirlphoto@hotmail.com
F - http://www.facebook.com/BoyMeetsGirlPhotography?ref=ts

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